I always say you can learn something from everyone if you pay attention. L.A. DanceFit just opened right across the street from me so, even though I didn’t know anything about Zumba I figured it would be crazy not to at least go and see what it’s like. It’s awesome, BTW. And so is the teacher, Wil.
When I heard that Zumba was started by an aerobics teacher who had forgotten his music for class and had to improvise with his salsa and merengue music, I liked it already. One way to be innovative is simply by sheer accident. That’s how many well known inventions were created. It’s the people that realize they have an opportunity to capitalize on that lucky accident, who will succeed. So, here’s what I learned today:
- Give your all – Being an entrepreneur takes everything you’ve got. You’ll have to work hard to please your customers, especially in a bad economy. Give them 110% of your energy and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is contagious and people want to jump on board when you genuinely have passion from within.
- Smile – It’s free. It’s one of the few things that will help your business that costs absolutely no money, ever. When you smile, it makes your customers smile, and smiling customers are happy customers. They’re also repeat customers. It’s much easier to keep a happy customer than it is to get a new one. So let them know you’re happy to have them as a customer. And remind them often. Never take them for granted.
- Sometimes people like to be lead – This is why bootcamps are big business. If you run a service business, take the pressure and stress off of your customer and lead them. They’re coming to you because you’re the expert. Act like one and take the lead. Use what you know to help your customers make the best decisions.
- Give them a free sample – L.A. Dance Fit offers your first class for free. They know once you try it you’ll be coming back for more. Like Mrs. Fields Cookies or a new soda. If you have a good product or service give them enough of a taste of it so they’ll be hooked.
Remember, you can learn something from everyone. Who will you meet today that can teach you a lesson about your business?