According to a study by the Small Business Administration, multiple business owners are more likely to be classified as high income and high wealth. If you play the stock market you have a diversified portfolio of different types of stocks. So why not have a portfolio of multiple, diversified businesses?
I used to have one business. During a booming economy, that was great! Sales were through the roof and I was flying back and forth to the factory manufacturing orders and traveling ‘cross country on a PR tour. But then the Great Recession hit. This was on top of the fact that I now had counterfeiters stealing my product. It all came to a screeching halt.
Running Multiple Businesses
This is when I learned the value of running multiple businesses. It sounds crazy, I know. It’s hard enough to run one business. Why would anyone take on the herculean task of running multiple businesses? Well, for the same reason you diversify your stock portfolio.
I started reaching out to other business owners and found that the idea isn’t as crazy as I thought.
Hiring for Multiple Businesses
Hire Your Kids to Run Multiple Businesses
Find Quiet Time to Work When Running Multiple Businesses
Running Multiple Businesses Takes Proper Planning
Employees are Essential
Running Multiple Businesses and Sleep
Keeping it in the Same Industry
I started a women’s choir called the Rockaway Resistance Revival Chorus in the Fall. Also teach, I used to teach at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology). More recently have been teaching at Baruch College. I am now launching a Life Coaching business.
Dana Humphrey
Create a System for Everything
If popular hobbies were a category on Family Feud, you may hear answers like running, hiking, reading, etc. If you asked me my hobbies, I’d say,
building businesses and supporting our local community. It took me a while to learn how to put my passion into practice, and accept that this
truly was a hobby. But now I’m happier than ever. I love watching people grow, thrive, and support one another. I don’t sleep as much as I
should. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, you only have one life to live. Why not consciously create the life you’ve always dreamed of?
and Education in college. Have a degree in both, which I attribute the majority of my success in this area.
in the room, you’re in the wrong room. We place a very big emphasis on feedback. Feedback from one another as partners, feedback from our employees, feedback from our customers, etc. We’re only as good as our weakest link. You constantly need to evolve to ensure success.
We’re able to set multiple companies up for success, as well as our employees. We’re so grateful for our wonderful staff who take immense pride in their work, and help to bring our dreams to life. Especially in the epicenter of COVID. We are thankful to be able to continue to employ our
community members, while unemployment is skyrocketing.
Have a Flexible Schedule
Be a Good Delegator
Surround Yourself With the Best People
I’m Rachel Williams. I work full time in corporate marketing, our family owns Amity Harbor Sports, my husband and I took over The Rinx Pro Shop from the former owners in 2005, and we just launched Long Island Hockey Co.
- How do you keep everything straight?
- I’m very type A, so I create a system for everything, and continue to evolve it until it’s as efficient as possible. I studied Communication and Education in college, and have a degree in both, which I attribute the majority of my success to in this area.
- We also try to surround ourselves with people who can push us, make us stronger, and help us grow. “If you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” Place a very big emphasis on feedback. Feedback from one another as partners, feedback from our employees, feedback from our customers, etc. We’re only as good as our weakest link. We constantly need to evolve to ensure we are set up for success.
- Do you have employees?
- I studied communication and education, and leveraged technology, innovation, and some good ‘ol customer service. We’re able to set multiple companies up for success, as well as our employees. We’re so grateful for our wonderful staff who take immense pride in their work. They help to bring our dreams to life. Especially in the epicenter of COVID. We are thankful to be able to continue to employ our community members, while unemployment is skyrocketing.
- “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou – At the end of the day, we are all people, with complex feelings. We are here to support one another, and make sure everyone reaches their highest potential. It’s easy to work towards your dreams when you are surrounded by people working towards theirs. You’re all working to build each other up.
Tools to Manage Time When Running Multiple Businesses